Within a casino, that means ensuring guests can play slots, poker, whatever they want at any time they want. Like most places today, IT is chartered with keeping the business running 24/7.
What makes running IT at a casino unique? When Red Hawk opened its doors in 2008, I left home (Michigan) to help build the IT environment and team from scratch at the Northern California-based casino. I honed my IT chops working as a desktop technician for a medical company during my college years and then worked my way up over the next 20 years from being a network admin to designing and implementing new technologies at casinos. I’ve been building computers and networks since I was in high school so working in IT was a natural career choice. Jake Warren, Systems Administrator at Red Hawk Casino, shares how he finally eliminated tape and started using public cloud (Amazon Web Services) as a cost-effective long-term data retention resource with Rubrik.